Study Underway to Determine Brachial Plexus Injury Risks

Study Underway to Determine Brachial Plexus Injury Risks

News reports that the National Science Foundation (NSF) has issued a multi-year grant to study the neo-natal conditions that may increase the risk of birth injuries such as hypoxia and brachial plexus injuries. Hypoxia, refers to the deprivation of oxygen to the brain, which reaches the tissues and can cause severe, life-long injuries. A brachial plexus injury is one that affects the group of nerves, and can lead to weakness in the arm, including potential paralysis and muscle function. These injuries are often the result of complications from deliveries. If an infant suffers a birth injury, both the child and the family may face life long challenges stemming from the potential need to provide daily care, as well as emotional support.

The study will focus on the creation of strategies which identify risk factors and hopefully prevent birth injuries from happening in the future. Already known risks for brachial plexus injuries include the delivery of larger babies, babies presenting in the breech position – or with shoulder dystocia - and difficult or prolonged delivery. Where doctors, nurse and other hospital staff are aware of these risk factors, they should take preventative measures to avoid potentially life long injuries.

For more information or if your child has suffered a birth related injury, please contact the dedicated California birth injury lawyers at Bostwick & Peterson, LLP for an immediate consultation.


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