What types of medical malpractice may lead to brain injuries?
When a newborn suffers a brain injury, the effects may last a lifetime. In some instances, the injury may be unavoidable, and due to complications at birth that could not be prevented. Other times, a brain injury may be the result of preventable medical mistakes that occur ...
The vast majority of births are without complication, and result in the delivery of a healthy baby. However, birth injuries still impact thousands of ...
While the majority of births in the United States occur without complication, statistics show that from 6 to 8 infants out of every 1000 born in the ...
Having a child is one of life most momentous occasions. While in the majority of cases, the labor and delivery are without complication, statistics ...
When is a birth injury due to medical malpractice?
When a baby suffers an injury at birth, families are often distraught and have many questions. They may worry about their child’s and family’s future, ...
A recent study revealed an alarming statistic – the incidence of birth injuries in the United States has risen by 75% since the early 2000s. As such, ...